Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

CRO is all about boosting the percentage of website users who become vital “leads” by responding to a call to action or a prompt to take action on your website. There are many opportunities within multi-faceted websites to do this. And, aside from abundant opportunities to engage, you should make it as easy and clear as possible for visitors to your site to reach out to you and interact with your team. It is also essential to consider CRO at every “touchpoint.” Just because a visitor may call you to get more information does not mean they will turn into an actual visitor to your office. But, there are numerous opportunities for your team to shine at every step in the process. Keep in mind that how your team gathers information prior to appointments or answers phone calls can either help or harm your ability to “convert” a website user. 

A few pointers: 

  • Pre-consultation – Make it as easy and convenient as possible to start the process of partnering with your team as a new patient. Provide online questionnaires that can be filled out before the initial appointment to make the most of everyone’s time. Ensure the patient is aware that this information/the platform you use is secure. So, they know their personal data is in good hands. 
  • Optimizing the consultation – Get back to “basics.” We can all fall into bad behaviors or habits. This happens organically the more comfortable we get with our craft. Pay particular attention to your body language. Maintain eye contact. Be an active listener. Engage without saying a word. By truly and actively listening, you can ask smart follow-up questions and better understand the “why” or their motivations for seeking your expertise and services. Only then can you deliver on their needs and goals because you truly understand their unique motivators and desires. 
  • Technology – beyond intake forms – Explore and leverage technologies that complement your ability to “convert.” During an assessment of your CRO, you may find that bookings lag. Identify why that is. Is your system for booking clunky? Is it not properly showcased on your website? Are there technical difficulties that stand between your user and their completion of appointment requests online? If so, these needs must be addressed and resolved swiftly. Otherwise, the user may question all aspects of your experience and how well your team stays on top of things if this initial action fails to impress. You should take the same hard look at your telehealth service and online consult offerings. 
  • From consultation to treatment – Congratulations! You are so close to having a new “convert” and highly satisfied patient. Do not risk potentially losing that lead at this stage. Ensure that your process for crafting and communicating treatment plans is airtight. This may involve integrating and engaging with other appropriate team members, such as treatment coordinators. Ensure all parties are on the same page. So, there is no miscommunication that could dismantle your hard work at this late stage in the conversion process. At every step in developing and communicating recommendations, ensure you are “speaking” to that patient and that patient only. Think of all of the ways certain services or treatments may resonate with this particular patient. Take note of those particulars when making your “case.” Avoid jargon. Explain treatment options clearly. Be sure alternative recommendations are presented. The patient should never have to ask you for alternatives. 

Lastly, always be open and empathetic about costs. Just as you offer options for treatment, be sure to offer more than one payment option; for instance, interest-free financing or member savings plans should be communicated and promoted both online and offline. 

Now, we call you to action. Just as you cannot treat what you do not know, you cannot improve your CRO if you do not understand your current starting point. Assess for strengths as well as areas for improvement. Then, you will be well on your way to converting “lurkers” on your website to your biggest fans and sources for referrals.

Do you need help improving your conversion rate and turning more website visitors into loyal patients?