Medical-related ethics are moral-based principles that impact medical procedures and surgical care. Ethical physicians prioritize the health and safety of their patients. It’s important for aesthetic service providers to balance their business goals with patient well-being. The latter should never be compromised in the interest of the former, as this is one of the easiest ways to break patient trust.
‘Upselling’ involves encouraging customers to buy a more expensive, high-end version of a product/service than what they had intended to buy. Upselling aesthetic treatments may be considered unethical when they;
- Mislead patients with dishonest and vague claims related to the features, benefits, and cost of products or services
- Pressure or coerce patients into buying something they don’t need, want, or can afford
- Affect patient trust related to a practice’s reputation
- Expose a practice to legal or regulatory risks.
A practice can upsell ethically if it focuses on offering additional products/services that add value to the patient. Building and maintaining patients’ trust is crucial along with honest and transparent claims that can be proven, if an aesthetic practice is to survive, grow, and thrive.
Transparency in treatment recommendations
Maintaining transparency when recommending treatments for aesthetic patients is also of utmost importance. This should include avoiding unnecessary procedures and being upfront about the potential risks associated with each procedure.
Advances in medical technology have now revolutionized aesthetic medicine. Treatments have become safer, more effective, and produce better results than many years ago. The demand for aesthetic treatments has also increased as a result. However, unlike in traditional medicine, most aesthetic procedures are not essential but elective, where procedures are carried out to correct or enhance imperfections rather than as treatments.
This doesn’t mean practitioners should push unnecessary procedures on patients even if they can afford them. Instead, they should help patients make informed decisions by thoroughly explaining each method, its risks, and how modern technology has facilitated these procedures. Each decision should be a partnership between the patient and the provider, and the latter should always provide all necessary information without pressuring patients into treatments.
Handling Unrealistic Expectations
Aesthetic medicine should prioritize patients’ best interests and ethical integrity. Providers should help patients obtain their expected outcomes and enable them to achieve meaningful life goals. Some patients should not be considered for aesthetic procedures, including those with comorbidities, unrealistic expectations, and those undergoing life crises.
Patients’ best interests should always take priority for aesthetic providers over other considerations, including emotional and financial factors. Even if a patient is ready for and can afford a certain procedure, if it’s unsafe for them due to health and safety reasons, they should be advised not to proceed. Doing procedures for the right reasons will help patients achieve healthy and realistic goals.
Managing patient expectations is also key, as some may have unrealistic goals. If the results are not up to this level, they feel disappointment and frustration. Providers should explain to their patients that results can vary depending on a variety of factors, including treatment limitations. A doctor may decline to operate on a patient if the surgery poses bigger risks than the potential benefits. Accept or decline procedures on a case-by-case basis. A patient’s best interests should be the determining factor when proceeding with surgery, not personal or financial gains.
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion
Beauty is for everyone. So, how can aesthetic providers create a workplace that includes everyone, from patients to employees? Their marketing and advertising campaigns should ideally feature models representing different ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds as well as all ages, genders, and social strata.
Here are some actions aesthetic medical practitioners can take to promote diversity and inclusion within their organizations:
- Know that diversity and inclusion within an organization are ongoing processes, not something that can be completed overnight. Be aware of areas for improvement.
- Refine your organization’s recruitment efforts to attract diverse candidates for vacancies. Avoid gender and racial bias in job descriptions.
- Revisit your social media and other marketing campaigns. Feature models representing different skin, hair, and body types without sticking to a pattern. Incorporate different aspects of your work into the campaigns.
Training and Experience
Aesthetic practitioners must undergo continuous training to improve their skills and avoid complications and suboptimal post-procedure results. New techniques will help them perform better, ultimately benefiting patients.
Ethics will also help doctors to avoid troubles, especially legal problems. In aesthetic practices, ethics should go beyond just enhancing physical appearance; patients’ overall well-being should be considered a priority. The mental, emotional, and social aspects of patients’ lives should take the top spot.